Monday, April 15, 2013

amidst the gray

What others would think as a crazed up opportunity in a much bigger boat, a much bigger avenue, a much greener pasture, just may not be all that. In every transition, no matter how big or small, there's always, a pre - , an ante -, and a post -. Getting through all these is never a walk in the park.  But I would not want to dwell in that for now.

Seeing that things might take a different turn for me is something I should be celebrating. I mean, this does not happen to every person. Opportunity, as they say, would come knocking at your door once. Sometimes, they are not neatly wrapped that to the naked eye, we would dismiss it instantaneously thinking just how poorly conceptualized the entire package was or that you deserved much better. Or worse, we forget to open the damn door because we're too busy eating, groveling, cussing, day dreaming???

Well, this dreamer right here is going to buff up on doses upon doses of positivity. I, for one, has never been an eternal optimist. Seeing that most, if not always, only the rich and the famous gets to make it big, just might be one of the reasons why I haven't been proactively manipulating my own destiny. But then again, who am I to shy away from reality when it's been telling me to stop the dreaming and get on the "achievers wagon". If you will ask me if I am all set in doing this, the answer to that is a NO! I still have a lot to work on, things to prepare and stacks upon stacks of hurdle that I should be conquering. It seems like a milestone away. But I've got to make that first step. Whew. So here goes.

 Resignation Letter handed , officially, last April 19, 2013

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